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W.C. Miller, Parkside, and Gretna Elementary
"COVID-Buster" Challenge Archives
Challenge #1 - Mar. 23, 2020: Listen to a Favourite
Step 1: Listen to a piece of music that you really enjoy. It could be a band piece or classical piece, or something more modern like your favourite pop or country song.
Step 2: While you're listening and enjoying the music, think about WHY you like it. This could include elements such as the beat/groove, the melodic content, the lyrics, etc.
Step 3: Write down at least 3 reasons you like your chosen piece.
Extend: Email a link of your chosen piece (video/audio/etc.) and your reasons to a friend or two or three :) You could email it to Mr. Klassen too! :)
*See example below
Challenge #1 Example by Mr. Klassen
Piece: Halfway to the Hudson (studeo video) by Lucky Chops
Reasons why I love this piece:
1. The musical intensity - everything is done with energy and intent
2. The "tightness" of the groove - everyone is locked in and at the front of the beat
3. The interaction between musicians (eye contact, body language) - this is enhanced greatly in a live music context such as this!
Challenge #2 - Mar. 24, 2020:
Step 1: Visit your class page (located in the drop-down menus in the banner at the top of this website). Try out the exercise under "Additional Resources To Use At Home" (some classes have multiple exercises listed!).
Step 2: For those classes where there is a CHALLENGE exercise, give that one a shot!
Bonus: After completing an exercise, generate a Progress Report and email the code to Mr. Klassen, who can then verify you completed it. Instructions on how to generate a Progress Report here.
Extend 1: Go to and explore some of the theory lessons - I recommend the following:
For grade 7: The Staff, Clefs, and Ledger Lines
For grade 8: Steps and Accidentals
For Jr. Band: The Major Scale and Scale Degrees
For Sr. Band: Diatonic Triads
For jazz players: Seventh Chords
Extend 2: Try creating YOUR OWN exercise using the Exercise Customizer and sending the link to a friend or Mr. Klassen (try to stump them!).
Challenge #3 - Mar. 25, 2020: Music and the Brain
Intro: We all know that music affects us on a deeper level than just "notes and rhythms on the page". Maybe you've had emotional experiences through music - sometimes we call these "musical goosebump moments"! But exactly what's going on in our brains and bodies at these moments?
Step 1: Watch the video below from the YouTube channel WIRED:
Step 2: Write down one piece of information from the video that is important to YOU.
Step 3: Send that piece of information to a friend and ask them what they learned! Send the info to Mr. Klassen as well.
Extend: Think back to a "musical goosebump moment" you've experienced and try to relate it to what you learned in the video. Talk to someone about musical goosebumps and how they make you feel.​
*See example below
Challenge #3 Example by Mr. Klassen
Important info: Formal research has concluded the following: "Music training over five years has had benefits in cognitive skills, decision-making, also had some benefits in prosocial behaviour, and we've also seen changes in their associated brain structures."
-Professor Assal Habibi, USC Brain and Creativity Inst.
Musical goosebumps: For me, I believe that I get musical goosebumps most often when my emotions AND technique connect with the music simultaneously. At those moments I experience the true joy of making/experiencing music. These can happen in class or performance with students, when I'm performing with other musicians, or sometimes when just listening to music that I love. This connects to what the video discusses regarding the connection between what we hear (or experience while making music) and what we feel.
Challenge #4 - Mar. 26, 2020:
Practice Strategies (GENERAL)
Intro: You're practicing at home, and you get to that tricky spot in your music. You fumble through it, maybe getting some correct notes/rhythms, maybe not. You know it's not quite right, but you're not sure why. You stop and try to figure it out for a few minutes, but you're not sure if you fixed it.
Sound familiar?!
This is the first challenge in a "mini-series" on practice strategies. This one is a general overview on the mindset/conditions required for effective practice. In future challenges I hope to cover specific strategies for RHYTHM, NOTES, and possibly other elements.
Step 1: Watch the video below:
Step 2: Write down the four key aspects of effective practice, according to this video.
Step 3: Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 for each of the four key aspects - 1 meaning it is a significant struggle and 5 meaning you're a rockstar in that area!
Step 4: In your next practice session (on your instrument and/or in other areas of life where you practice any type of skill!), aim to apply at least one of these four ideas.
Extend: What other aspects do you believe are important for effective practice? OR: What practice strategies work well for you? Email responses to Mr. Klassen.
Happy practicing! :)
*Here's a link to another excellent video on effective practice!​
Challenge #5 - Mar. 27, 2020:
Practice Strategies - RHYTHM
Intro: The second part of this "mini-series" on practice strategies is about RHYTHM! When you run into a trouble spot during practice, try to determine if the main issue is rhythm, notes/fingers, or articulation. If the main issue is rhythm, this video can help!
In future challenges I hope to cover specific strategies for NOTES, ARTICULATIONS, and possibly other elements.
Step 1: Watch the video below (I'm pretty new at this whole video production thing so your grace is appreciated!)
Step 2: Write down the five rhythm practice strategies that Mr. Klassen mentions.
Step 3: Pick a short excerpt (probably 2 or 4 bars long) from one of your pieces and APPLY one or more of these strategies while practicing it! This should be an excerpt that challenges you rhythmically.
*Hint: If you're not sure where to start, go in order with the strategies from the video!
Extend: Send the title of the piece and the measure numbers of your chosen excerpt to Mr. Klassen, and also send any questions that you may have!
Happy practicing and have a great weekend! :)
Challenge #6 - Apr. 6, 2020:
Practice Strategies - NOTES/FINGERINGS
Intro: The third part of this "mini-series" on practice strategies is about NOTES! When you run into a trouble spot during practice, try to determine if the main issue is rhythm, notes/fingers, or articulation. If the main issue is notes/fingers, this video can help!
Step 1: Watch the video below.
Step 2: Write down at least two important pieces of information you learned/reviewed in the video.
Step 3: Pick a short excerpt (a couple of measures, not more than 4) from one of your pieces and APPLY one or more of these strategies while practicing it! Hint: If you're not sure where to start, go in order with the strategies from the video.
Extend: Send the title of the piece and the measure numbers of your chosen excerpt to Mr. Klassen, and also send any questions that you may have!​
Challenge #7 - Apr. 7, 2020: The Healing Power of Music
Intro: There are many examples of how music can help heal, restore, and reconcile. Nowadays, we are starting to understand why, and research is starting to show proof of this healing power of music that has always been intuitively felt. In the current situation more than ever, I believe music can provide healing, hope, and joy.
Step 1: Choose one of the videos below to watch - or watch them all :)
Old Man in Nursing Home Reacts to Music
John Hopkins Center for Music and Medicine
The Healing Power of Music - PBS Feature
Connor's Story - Arts Accessibility Network Manitoba
Step 2: During the current global COVID-19 situation, what are some ways you have seen or you believe that music can help? Explain an idea (or more than one!) about how music could bring healing, rest, joy, or hope in this time, either to yourself or to others.
Step 3: Share your idea with one or more friends and email it to Mr. Klassen.
Extend: Try your idea out, if possible!​
Challenge #8 - Apr. 8, 2020:
Composer Wikirace - John Philip Sousa
Intro: Time for something a little different! A "Wikirace" basically means to start on a certain Wikipedia page and then navigate to a specific destination page using only links within the text of the pages. I'm sure many of you know a lot more about it than I do! In this case, the "winner" would be the person who can complete the journey using the fewest links. Let's try it out with "The March King", American band composer and conductor John Philip Sousa!
Step 1: Find the Wikipedia page for "Music".
Step 2: Using links from this page, work your way toward John Philip Sousa. If you're totally unsure where to start, do some research on him first to figure out what kinds of terms might be associated with him (HINT: Sousaphone!)
Step 3: RECORD YOUR LINKS AS YOU GO, both the terms/people that you clicked on and how many links you used.
Step 4: Once you reach the page for Sousa, find one interesting fact about him that you didn't already know.
Step 5: Email your interesting fact and the order/number of your links to Mr. Klassen!
Extend: Listen to one or more of Sousa's marches - search "Sousa marches" and see what you can find. Listen specifically for ARTICULATION in these settings! Remember, ARTICULATION DETERMINES STYLE! :D​
Challenge #9 - Apr. 9, 2020: COVID-Care!
Intro: Further to the activity from Tuesday of this week, it is important to help and care for each other, especially right now in this unique and challenging time. This can be done through music, or in many other ways!
Step 1: Visit the link below to view the activity created by Scott Lang, former music educator and leadership guru (this is part of his FREE "COVID Curricula" series).
Link to access the COVID-Care activity
Step 2: Watch the video. If you'd like, read the text portion as well, although this is not required.
Step 3: Try it out (either today or over this coming long weekend!). If possible, get your family involved.
Extend 1: Take a picture or short video of some part of the process and send it to a friend or two or three, as well as to Mr. Klassen (and use the hashtag mentioned, if you want).
Extend 2: Together with family members, come up with your own ideas for helping others, and put those plans into action! I've seen some awesome examples of this in our community already! :)​
Challenge #10 - Apr. 13, 2020: Artist on YOUR Instrument
Intro: One important way to gain musical inspiration is to watch/listen to/experience high quality performances on your own instrument(s). YouTube, music streaming services, and other resources are at our fingertips these days - let's use them!
Step 1: Pick an artist who plays your instrument. Students involved in jazz, this could be in the jazz world or classical world, or both! If you have no idea where to start, do an Internet search for "professional (insert instrument) player".
Step 2: Listen to one or more pieces by your chosen artist (keep it either a solo piece, or a feature piece where your chosen artist solos/improvises).
Step 3: Send your chosen artist and piece to a friend and to Mr. Klassen!
Extend: Listen to a full album by your chosen artist and take note of similarities/differences between the various pieces included. Which piece or pieces to you like best? Why? What are some of the musical elements you notice while listening?
Challenge #11 - Apr. 14, 2020: SmartMusic 101
Intro: SmartMusic is a powerful online music learning platform that contains a large music library and many helpful practice tools. Taken as a whole, SmartMusic is a great way to make individual home practice much more fun, engaging, and effective! Due to COVID-19, it is currently COMPLETELY FREE!
Step 1: Sign up if you haven't already. Visit this link, then refer to instructions and class code emailed out by Mr. Klassen. Here is a link to a brief "getting started guide".
Step 2: Practice with the accompaniment for the assignment I set up for your particular class.
Step 3: Search for and play along with one of your repertoire pieces! Not all will be available in the SmartMusic library, but many will be.
Extend 1: Email/call/video chat with Mr. Klassen if you need help signing up, navigating the program, or anything else! Mr. Klassen would also be grateful to receive any thoughts or feedback you have regarding SmartMusic!
Extend 2: Record and submit the assignment mentioned above. The getting started guide has some great tips on the recording process.​​
Happy practicing! :)
Challenge #12 - Apr. 15, 2020:
Practice Strategies - ARTICULATION
Intro: The fourth part of our practice strategies "mini-series" is about ARTICULATION (starts/ends of notes; use of airstream and tongue for clarity)! When you run into a trouble spot during practice, try to determine if the main issue is rhythm, notes/fingerings, or articulation. If the main issue is articulation, this video can help!
Step 1: Watch the video below (and consider subscribing to my YouTube channel!)
Step 2: Write down at least two important pieces of information you learned/reviewed in the video.
Step 3: Pick a short excerpt (a couple of measures, not more than 4) from one of your pieces and APPLY one or more of these strategies while practicing it! Hint: If you're not sure where to start, go in order with the concepts/strategies from the video.
Extend: Send the title of the piece and the measure numbers of your chosen excerpt to Mr. Klassen, and also send any questions that you may have!​
Challenge #13 - Apr. 16, 2020:
Video Game Music!
Intro: Most of us have at least some experience with video games! Music can and often does have a profound impact on the experience of playing such games. Today's challenge will allow you to listen to/view some awesome examples and then reflect on your own gaming/music experience.
Step 1: Watch one or more of the video examples linked below (and find others - there are tons out there!):
Recording of Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra
Halo - The Danish National Symphony Orchestra
Undertale - Games and Symphonies
Recording Music from Cuphead
Mario Kart 8 Live Recording
Big Band Arrangement of Mario Kart 64 Main Theme
Step 2: Think about your own video game experience, and reflect on/describe how the MUSIC/SOUND from games has affected your gaming experience (positively or negatively!).
Step 3: Think about these questions: What are some musical elements that you feel make great video game music? Do you think there is a specific style/genre of music that is best for video games? If so, why?
Step 4: Determine what you believe to be your FAVOURITE video game music (or pick a few!) and send to Mr. Klassen, along with the answers to the above questions (if you want). Try to include a link to a video or audio recording!
Extend: Next time you play a game, pay attention specifically to the music and how it affects the overall experience!​
Challenge #14 - Apr. 17, 2020: We Rest
Intro: At the core of music education is making/creating music TOGETHER IN COMMUNITY. That's something we can't do very well in the current situation. That being said, we have all kinds of opportunities right now to engage in music (and in every other aspect of life) in new and often important ways. Today's video does an excellent job of summing up my thoughts and feelings about the current state of music education!
Step 1: Visit this link and watch the video (length is under 2 minutes): Apart we survive. Together we thrive. But for now, we rest. NOTE: the "play" button on the video doesn't seem to work, but if you click the middle of the video box it should play for you!
Step 2: Jot down your thoughts about the video. What do you agree with? Anything you disagree with? Why?
Step 3: Email your thoughts and any questions you have to Mr. Klassen.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Challenge #15 - Apr. 20, 2020:
"Mr. Klassen's Band Room" YouTube Channel
Intro​: Mr. Klassen has created a YouTube channel called "Mr. Klassen's Band Room". The practice strategy videos have been placed there along with one theory tutorial, and the hope is that additional videos will be added as we move forward. This could be a valuable resource even beyond this time of distance learning!
Step 1: Go to Mr. Klassen's Band Room YouTube Channel.
Step 2: Watch at least one video of your choice (I know, there are not a lot to choose from yet!)
Step 3: Consider subscribing to the channel :)
Extend: Send Mr. Klassen an email to let him know you visited the channel. Also include any ideas you have for instructional videos - what would be valuable for you at home as you are practicing and/or exploring music learning opportunities?​​
Challenge #16 - Apr. 21, 2020:
Instrument Maintenance 101
Intro​: Our instruments need regular care and maintenance in order to remain in good playing condition. While it is important to take your band instrument to a professional repair technician about once per year for a check-up and thorough cleaning, there are also things you can do at home along the way!
Step 1: Watch the video below that is applicable to your instrument(s):
Brass Instrument Cleaning and Maintenance
Woodwind Instrument Maintenance
Clarinet Care Basics
Drum Maintenance Tips
Step 2: Write down at least two things you learned about instrument maintenance from the video.
Step 3: Take good care of your instrument :)​
Challenge #17 - Apr. 22, 2020:
Humorous Music!
Intro​: One way that music can often connect with us is by being funny - either by making light of a situation or by just being plain wacky! Using music in this way can sometimes help us deal with difficult situations, or simply offer a much needed "distraction".
Step 1: View one or more of the videos below:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine I Want it That Way
Weird Al Yankovic Foil (or check out any of Weird Al's stuff!)
"Corona cover" of I Will Survive by school principal
"Corona cover" of Stayin' Alive ("Stayin' Inside")
Step 2: Find your own spoofs/parodies to brighten your day - there are a ton out there! Share one with a friend or with Mr. Klassen.
Extend: Create your own mini parody by taking a song you know well and re-writing the lyrics. Even just trying it with one verse or chorus would be a great exercise in creativity!​
Challenge #18 - Apr. 23, 2020:
A Hope for the Future (Trumpet Feature!)
Intro​: One of the past challenges was about the healing power of music (see challenge #7 on the archives page). Today we have an inspiring example of music acting as an agent of HOPE in a time of uncertainty.
Step 1: Watch the video below which was led by internationally renowned trumpet performer Jens Lindemann and features an amazing line-up of trumpet stars from around the globe! Be sure to read the brief intro screen which describes the intent of the project!
Step 2: Watch the final portion of the video (starting at 4:09). Ryan Anthony is a world-renowned trumpet player who is currently battling cancer. His incredible message here is one of hope and gratitude despite great difficulty.
Step 3: Reflect on Ryan's statement: "There's nothing stronger than when we all come together. There's nothing more powerful than music." Write down a few thoughts about this and send them to Mr. Klassen.
Extend: In the midst of the current situation, demonstrate hope and/or gratitude. Doesn't have to be a big thing - in fact the seemingly small things often carry a big impact.
Challenge #19 - Apr. 24, 2020:
Daily Challenge Archives
Intro​: Did you know that all the Daily Challenges are archived?! If you want to look back and see other challenges, simply visit the archives page located under the "Home" tab above!
Step 1: Visit the daily challenge archives page.
Step 2: Pick a challenge you have not completed yet - one that catches your attention! You could also complete a challenge a second time if you want :) I personally recommend #3 Music and the Brain, #7 The Healing Power of Music, and #13 Video Game Music.
Step 3: Complete the challenge. Let Mr. Klassen know with a quick email if you have any ideas for future challenges - he's always interested in hearing from you.​
Enjoy the sunshine!
Challenge #20 - Apr. 27, 2020:
Song Of Hope - World Band
Intro​: One of last week's challenges was entitled "A Hope for the Future" (see challenge #18 on the archives page). Today we follow that same theme but have an opportunity for YOU to get involved!
Step 1: Visit the page linked here and watch the video: Song Of Hope World Band. The gentleman speaking is world-renowned trumpet player Ryan Anthony who is currently battling cancer. The composer - Peter Meechan - currently lives in Winnipeg!
Step 2: Consider whether you could be involved in this incredible project! Instructions are located on the same web page as the video. Email Mr. Klassen any thoughts on the video or with any questions you might have about the process.
Extend: Complete and submit your recording by May 5!
Have a great week everyone!
Challenge #21 - Apr. 28, 2020:
Tribute to Frontline Workers
Intro​: I'm sure many of you have seen news clips of folks playing music, applauding, banging pots and pans in honour/support of frontline workers. We can and should do this too! Other band programs in Manitoba and beyond have already been getting involved (visit this link for one example!).
Step 1: Watch Mr. Klassen's short example video below.
Step 2: Join Mr. Klassen in playing an instrument at 7:00 PM in honour of the incredible work that our frontline workers are doing! A few thoughts on the process:
7:00 PM is a "standard" time to do this - the idea is to "salute" workers during hospital shift change. We can also know that others are playing at the same time as us, even if we're far apart.
It can be ANY instrument - doesn't have to be your band instrument
It does not matter WHAT or HOW you play, it's about WHY you play :)
Take a short video clip of your playing and send to your friends and Mr. Klassen!
Make a little sign if you want, or say thank you at the start or end of your video
If you live somewhere without nearby neighbours, all the more reason to make a video to share!
Extend: Do this more than once - join in as many days as you can at 7:00 PM! Mr. Klassen plans to play as many weekdays evenings as possible between about 7:00-7:15 PM and invites you to join him. Be creative and have fun with it!
Challenge #22 - Apr. 29, 2020:
MBA Solo Challenge!
Intro​: During this school suspension, one of the most difficult things is that a lot of events have been canceled, including band performances. Sometimes it can be hard to find motivation for home practice when we don't have a "goal to shoot for". Manitoba Band Association Solo Challenge to the rescue! This online educational opportunity has been developed specifically in response to the pandemic. The purpose is to provide a performance goal for students to encourage continued skill development on your instrument.
Step 1: Visit the MBA web page for the Solo Challenge. Read the info listed. Specifically, note that there are competitive AND non-competitive divisions! There is even a JAZZ IMPROV category. This opportunity is for ANYONE.
Step 2: Email Mr. Klassen ( to let him know you have taken a look at the info. You do not have to participate in the Solo Challenge, but Mr. Klassen would like to know if you at least saw the information.
Extend: Interact with the Solo Challenge as you see fit! Email Mr. Klassen with any questions or if you would like some help finding solo repertoire to work on/perform. He is happy to help!
Challenge #23 - Apr. 30, 2020: STEAM
Intro​: Many of you will have heard of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). These are essential topics in education! But what about STEAM? (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics). There are many ways that the arts (including music) interact with, enhance, and maybe even help explain aspects of other fields.
Step 1: Read this article from J.W. Pepper's Cued In blog about how music/arts interact with traditional STEM. The specific project discussed is the incredible Deep Field: A Tribute In Images. If the article feels too long, at least think about this quote from composer Eric Whitacre:
“The STEAM initiative is so important because it’s really a whole-mind education,” Whitacre said. “Science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics work in perfect concert to create new ideas. It’s something about using these disparate disciplines and finding connections between them, both abstract and real, that is the basis for original, interesting thought.”
Step 2: Send your thoughts on this subject to Mr. Klassen - he would love to hear from you! Do you have any ideas on how STEAM could be better implemented in schools?
Extend: Check out some of these amazing articles/ideas related to STEAM if you'd like to explore more!​​
Eric Whitacre's Deep Field - A Tribute In Images
Creating Deep Field: Behind the Scenes
Why Scientists Need Arts Training
How I Wrote a Symphony About the Changing Canadian Arctic
Challenge #24 - May 1, 2020:
Daily Challenge Refresh
Intro​: By now we've built up a good chunk of daily challenges! On Fridays moving forward, my plan is to share one of my favourite challenges from the archives in case you missed it the first time. If you already completed it, then either take a break or do it again! :)
Originally Challenge #13: Video Game Music
Challenge #25 - May 4, 2020:
Music Monday/Star Wars Day!
Intro 1: First things first - for all you Star Wars fans - "May the fourth be with you"! Here's are two great videos to celebrate: Band Kids - Star Wars Music! and Stormtroopers Drum Cover. Let me know what your favourite Star Wars moment is - I'd love to hear from you!
Intro 2: TODAY IS MUSIC MONDAY! Every year across Canada, Music Monday is celebrated on the first Monday in May. This year, Music Monday has gone virtual with a 12-hour livestream event showcasing all kinds of musical content from across the country.
Step 1: Visit the Music Monday livestream on YouTube!
Step 2: Take a moment to celebrate music in your life today. This could look different for every individual - here are some ideas (or come up with your own!):
-Watch a short portion of the Music Monday livestream
-Sing along/play along with a favourite song
-Make music with a family member today
-Join Mr. Klassen in playing outside for 10-15 minutes at 7:00 PM in support of frontline workers
Step 3: Let Mr. Klassen know how you're celebrating Music Monday and/or Star Wars Day!
Challenge #26 - May 5, 2020:
Practice Strategies - PITCH LEVEL
Intro: The fifth (and final?) part of our practice strategies "mini-series" is about PITCH LEVEL. Getting the correct note/fingering is part of it, but then there is the separate issue of pitch level. While this applies most directly to brass players, I believe everyone can learn from the strategies included.
Step 1: Watch the video below (and consider subscribing to my YouTube channel!). And yes, I'm pretty proud of that thumbnail ;)
Step 2: Write down at least two important pieces of information you learned/reviewed in the video.
Step 3: Pick a short excerpt (a couple of measures, not more than 4) from one of your pieces and APPLY the strategies while practicing it! Hint: If you're not sure where to start, go in order with the concepts/strategies from the video.
Extend: Send the title of the piece and the measure numbers of your chosen excerpt to Mr. Klassen, and also send any questions that you may have!​
Challenge #27 - May 6, 2020:
In Support of Frontline Workers
Intro​: I've been playing every weekday for a few minutes at 7:00 PM in support of the incredible work being done by our frontline workers to keep essential services running during this pandemic. I encourage you to join me in whatever way you can!
Step 1: Watch Mr. Klassen's brief video compilation below (the best part is right at the end!)
Step 2: Join Mr. Klassen in playing an instrument at 7:00 PM! If you haven't joined in yet because you're not sure if you want to, now is the time to take part!
It does not matter WHAT or HOW you play, it's about WHY you play!
You don't have to play for a specific amount of time - even a single piece or exercise would be awesome! :)
Feel free to send Mr. Klassen a short video clip if possible (30-60 seconds). Send it by email or upload to Good Drive/Dropbox/etc. and send him a link.
Extend: Join in as many days as you can at 7:00 PM! Mr. Klassen plans to play as many weekdays evenings as possible between about 7:00-7:15 PM and invites you to join him. Be creative and have fun with it!
Challenge #28 - May 7, 2020: Careers in Music
Step 1: Visit the following article from J.W. Pepper's blog Cued In. Careers in Music: Composing, Conducting, Teaching and Performing.
Step 2: Pick one (or more!) of the career areas and watch one of the video interviews. If you're not sure what to choose, here are a few great suggestions:
Tracy Harris - Following Your Passion
Roger Emerson - Building Young People Through Music
John Mackey - The Composing Process
Sarah Quartel - What Our Students Need
Christian McBride - Being a Musician or an Artist
Step 3: As you watch the video, jot down two or three key points or phrases that resonate with you. Share these with Mr. Klassen via email.​
Challenge #29 - May 8, 2020:
Daily Challenge Refresh
Intro​: By now we've built up a good chunk of daily challenges! On Fridays moving forward, my plan is to share one of my favourite challenges from the archives in case you missed it the first time. If you already completed it, then either take a break or do it again! :)
Originally Challenge #3: Music and the Brain
Challenge #30 - May 11, 2020:
SmartMusic - Next Level
Intro: SmartMusic is a powerful online music learning platform that contains a large music library and many helpful practice tools. Many of you have already set up a SmartMusic account and know the basics. If you haven't yet set it up, here is a link to a brief "getting started guide"! Today we'll look at how to search for music within SmartMusic's online library.
Step 1: In your SmartMusic account, locate the search engine. You can either use the search bar on the right side of the home screen or click on one of the "music categories" in the bottom right of the home screen (i.e. click on "band and orchestra").
Step 2: Find one or more pieces of music you'd like to play! In the search engine, you can apply additional search filters such as genre and difficulty level (left hand side). You can open whichever pieces you want and preview them until you find one that you like and that makes sense for your level. If you just don't know what to try, here are some ideas:
-Grade 7-8: search "Brian Balmages" - any of his pieces are a lot of fun!
-Grade 9-10: try One Night in Athens by David Bobrowitz
-Grade 11-12: try finding one of the pieces from your Concert Program assignment!; Or try Exaltation by James Swearingen or Windjammer by Robert Buckley
Step 3: Play along with your chosen piece! Let Mr. Klassen know via email what you're playing!
Challenge #31 - May 12, 2020: Music Quotes
Intro: Many of you know that Mr. Klassen loves quotes! They can get you thinking about a given topic, including music. They can inspire, encourage, and challenge. Today we're exploring quotes about music!
Step 1: Below are three of Mr. Klassen's favourite music quotes. Pick one (or more) of them to reflect on. Write down one or two of your thoughts and/or questions as you let the quote "sink in". Send your thoughts to Mr. Klassen.
"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything."
"The heart of the melody can never be put down on paper."
-Pablo Casals
"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."
-Victor Hugo
Extend 1: Do an online search for music quotes, and find one that resonates with you! Send to Mr. Klassen.
Extend 2: Develop your OWN personal quote about music - try to describe with a few words what music means to you or what you enjoy about music. Share with Mr. Klassen if you'd like to.​
Challenge #32 - May 13, 2020: Brass Bands!
Intro: Brass band music has been around for a long time! In recent years it has enjoyed a "revival" of sorts, and has become an important part of the music scene in Canada. It's perfect music for outdoor celebrations - loud, in-your-face, and groovy!
Step 1: Watch one or both of the videos below! Riot Jazz Brass Band is from Manchester; Dirty Catfish Brass Band is from Winnipeg, MB!
Step 2: Explore more brass band music for yourself, if you're interested :) Let Mr. Klassen know what you find!
Challenge #33 - May 14, 2020:
YouTube Channel Part 2
Intro​: Mr. Klassen has created a YouTube channel called "Mr. Klassen's Band Room"! He continues to add new videos on a regular basis, including instructional topics as well as weekly frontline workers support highlights. The hope is that this can be a valuable resource now AND beyond this time of distance learning!
Step 1: Watch at least one video of your choice. Below are a couple of suggestions. Clarinet players, I specifically encourage you to watch the new pinky keys video!!!!
Step 2: Take a look around the channel and consider subscribing!
Step 3: Send Mr. Klassen an email with any feedback or ideas you have. What would be valuable for you to see in a future video?! This is meant to be a resource that can be meaningful for YOU!
Challenge #34 - May 15, 2020:
Daily Challenge Refresh
Intro​: By now we've built up a good chunk of daily challenges! On Fridays moving forward, my plan is to share one of my favourite challenges from the archives in case you missed it the first time. If you already completed it, then either take a break or do it again! :)
Originally Challenge #17: Humorous Music
Challenge #35 - May 19, 2020:
The Power of Music
Step 1: Read part or all of the article The Power of Music: How Music Creates Joy and Relieves Stress from J.W. Pepper's blog Cued In.
Step 2: Choose one of the short videos embedded in the article and watch it!
Step 3: Consider your own experience with music and reflect on any ways that you have experienced the power of music in your life. Share any thoughts or questions with Mr. Klassen!
Challenge #36 - May 20, 2020: Incredibox!
Intro: Interested in DJ-ing? Beatboxing? Dance grooves? Then Incredibox is for you! It's an online platform that allows you to create your own mixes in a really intuitive and user-friendly way. Then you can record and save your mix and share it! The web version is totally FREE, and there are apps available as well. Check it out!
Step 1: Listen to Mr. Klassen's mix at this link! It took about 20 minutes to create this, but you could do it in a lot less time if you wanted. Once you understand the basics, you just need to decide what kind of grooves you want to use.
Step 2: Visit Incredibox online and try your hand at creating a mix! Simply pick a "version" to start (each version has different sounds available to you), and then drag icons from below onto the dudes to start making a groove. Let Mr. Klassen know what you think!
Step 3: If you want, you can record your mix and send the link to a friend or two or three, and to Mr. Klassen!
Extend: Try playing around with the "mute" and "solo" options (hover your cursor over a specific person while the groove is going) when creating a recording - this allows you to make dynamic shifts in your piece!
Challenge #37 - May 21, 2020:
Frontline Workers Support - Week 3
Step 1: Watch Mr. Klassen's video below (from week 3 of playing at 7:00 PM in support of frontline workers). Make sure you check out the special "guest appearance" around 4:45 in the video! :)
Step 2: Visit this link for a Winnipeg news video regarding student-musicians playing at 7:00 PM!
Step 3: Consider how you might get involved in playing a tune or two at 7:00 PM on one or more evenings! If you're not sure what to play, pick something from your method book (younger students) or play O Canada. You can also take a look at the various "hero-themed" music located here: Hero Music Treble Clef and Hero Music Bass Clef.
Challenge #38 - May 22, 2020:
Daily Challenge Refresh
Originally Challenge #1: Listen to a Favourite
Step 1: Listen to a piece of music that you really enjoy. It could be a band piece or classical piece, or something more modern like your favourite pop or country song.
Step 2: While you're listening and enjoying the music, think about WHY you like it. This could include elements such as the beat/groove, the melodic content, the lyrics, etc.
Step 3: Write down at least 3 reasons you like your chosen piece.
Extend: Email a link of your chosen piece (video/audio/etc.) and your reasons to a friend or two or three :) You could email it to Mr. Klassen too! :)
Challenge #39 - May 25, 2020:
Music Can Spread Joy
Step 1: Watch the video below. It's a real "blast from the past", but the message is timeless!
Step 2: While you're listening, consider how music has helped you feel "joyful" in the past. Are there certain types/genres of music that lend themselves to this? Is it about the process of making music? Or is just listening enough to spread joy?
Step 3: Send any thoughts you have on the topic to Mr. Klassen!
Challenge #40 - May 26, 2020:
Virtual Band - Song Without Words
Intro: One of the most important aspects of music is the community that goes along with making music together in a group of musicians. Even though we can't do that in a "typical" way right now, we still can still find innovative ways to continue and expand the community aspect.
Step 1: Watch the video below!
Step 2: What was your favourite part? How does this type of project bring about a sense of community? Is it similar to or different from the "typical" way we create community through music?
Step 3: Send any thoughts you have on the topic to Mr. Klassen!
Challenge #41 - May 27, 2020:
Share A Piece of Music
Intro: Music connects us. It can also cheer us up when we're feeling down. Sometimes, sharing a piece of music with someone can really help brighten their day!
Step 1: Pick somebody to share a piece of music with today. Could be an immediate family member, a friend, a grandparent, or someone else you know. If you know of someone who could use a bit of cheering up, that would be a great choice :)
Step 2: Choose a piece of music - could be any song, performance, etc. - and find a version that you can share digitally (i.e. YouTube, music streaming service, etc.). It should be something uplifting/positive, possibly something that the other person will already know.
Step 3: Share the music with your chosen person! Say something like: "Hey, I was thinking of you today and wanted to share some positivity. I hope this song brightens your day!"
Challenge #42 - May 28, 2020:
Man Plays Tuba While Skydiving!
Intro: Do you have a bucket list? You know, a list of all the things you would love to do and experience in your life! What about a specific "music bucket list"?
Step 1: Watch the video below. You are sure to smile :)
Step 2: Think about something you would love to do with music, but maybe you've never "got around to", for whatever reason. Could be learning a certain song, teaching yourself to play guitar, etc.
Extend: Make a plan for how you might start to accomplish this "bucket list" item!
Challenge #43 - May 29, 2020:
Daily Challenge Refresh
Originally Challenge #36: Incredibox!
This will be the final Daily Challenge for now! It has been a good run, but with changes coming June 1 and a lot of administrative tasks to take care of in June, Mr. Klassen's energies will be needed elsewhere :) Thanks so much for interacting with the challenges throughout the last couple of months!
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